Khamgar Druk College

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First Drukpa Kagyu Dialectical Instiute(Sheda) Kunkhyen Pema Karpo In the 15th century came the 4th Gyalwang Drukpa, Kunkhyen Pema Karpo [Omniscient White Lotus] who was a famous scholar and practitioner.

He authored a number of textual commentaries and set up a dialectical Institute [Sheda] known as Pekar Datsang which was the first dialectical institute [Sheda] of Drukpa Lineage. Among many great diciples, Khewang[Scholar]Sangey Dorji, Boi Khepa [Tibetan Scholar]Gelek Namgyal , Dui Zhapa Pal Gyalwe Wongpo were the best of them..

khamgar druk college
The History of Khamgar Druk Dharmakara College

the 4th Gyalwa Dokhampa The 4th Gyalwa Dokhampa Chenpo, Tenzin Chokyi Nyima set up a dialectical institute [Sheda] known as Namgyal Choekhorling [Victorious Dharma Wheel Duip] at Jingphu Palgyi Yang Wen [a place in Tibet].There were one hundred and eight monks in the institute who were engaged in the three tasks of ordained (vowed) monk. The great scholars were produced by the institute. The Buddha Doctrine was thus made brighter. Then comes the time of the 7th Dokhampa Chenpo, Sangey Tenzin.The 7th Gyalwa Dokhampa Chenpo Sangey Tenzin wanted to set up a dialectical institute [Sheda] at Khampagar,Tibet. He told Khathok Situ Maha Pandit [Great Scholar] Chokyi Gyatso Chenpo about his idea of setting up a dialectical institute. Kathok Situ Chokyi Gyatso supprted the idea and sent his Khenpo[proffesor] Tsering Dorje to Khampagar. However, The 7th Gyalwang Dokhampa Chenpo could not live long enough and the institute remained incomplete.

The 8th Gyalwa Dokhampa Chenpo

Kalzang Dongyud Nyima included a dialectical institute [Sheda] in his monastery Khampagar Pal Phuntsok Chokhorling, Tibet. He constructed a two-storyed building for the dialcectical institute which was surrounded by 80 roomed hostel. Khenpo Lekshe and Khenpo Gedun Dargey were invited to the institute from Khamje and Kathok respectively. Thus, started teaching, debating and authoring of five major Buddhist texts [Pramana, Madayaimika, Prajaparamita, Abhidharma, Vinaya] till Tibet was invaded by Cummunist China.

H.E. the 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche.

In 1958, having foreseen the imminent coming of Communist China, H.E. the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Kalzang Dongyu Nyima, left for India with a group of 16 monks and reincarnate lamas. They settled first in Kalimpong in northeastern India, then Dalhousie. In 1969, they moved to the present location, Tashi Jong. Khenpo Tsondui of Nyingma Lineage, Khenpo Choidar of Kagyu Lineage, Khenpo Rinchen of Sakya Lineage were invited to his place in different time. Around 10 monks were there who were being taught the Buddha Dharma. After that, for some periods, the dialectical institute had to be stopped duo to lack of teacher and facilities.

H.E. the 8th Dorzong Rinpoche.

However,in the meamtime,ven.Khenpo Zangpo Bodh acomplished his philosophical studies under Khenpo Dazer of Nyingma and Khenpo Rinchen of Sakya. He was conferred the title of Khenpo by H.E. Dorzong Rinpoche. He then resumed teaching in the institute for some years. Around 40 monks were there who were being taught. After that, Khentse Yeshi Rinpoche who were very greatful to the late H.E. the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, constructed monastery and hostels for dialectical institute which reflects his gratitute towards the late H.E. 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche. In addition to the construction of the Institute’s buildings, he donated ten lack rupees [10,00000] for the food funds for monks of the institute. In 2004, opened a new dialectical institute under the spiritual guidance of H.E. 9th Dokhampa Chenpo Shedup Nyima. Khenpo Zangpo Bodh and Khenpo Jamyang Khentse[ from Dzonsar Institute] taught the monks. Rinchen Nyingpo took the Charge of mass maneger (Nyerpa) under the support of the rinpoches of the monastery.

Khentse Yeshi Rinpoche

In 2005, Khenpo Zangpo Bodh, Khenpo Thrinley Namgyal [ from Dzonsar Institute], Choying Lhundup, Jampa Yonten, Ngawang Zangpo continued to teach the monks of the institute and updated the curriculums and diciplines of the institute. In 2005, ven. Choying Lhundup was conferred the title of Khenpo by H.E. the 9the Khamtrul Rinpoche, Shedup Nyima. Khenpo Choying Lhundup had accomplished his Budhist education at different Buddhist uninversities, i.e., Khamgar Sheda [institute] , Serthang Larung Ngarig Nangten Lhobling [a great nyingma university in Tibet], Lhaden Densa Drepung monastery [ a great gelugpa university]. Thus, he had accomplished in the fields of both Sutra and Tantra..

The prayer hall of Khamgar Druk Dharmakara College.

In 2006, the monk, Phuntsok (from Khampagar Monastery) took the charge of mass maneger of the institute under the support of the rinpoches of the monastery. Khenpo Zangpo Bodh visited abroads to raise the funds for the institute and trulku [emanation bodys] Popa Rinpoche was also raising funds to construct a hostel for the young monks of the institute. Khenpo Choying Lhundup, Jampa Yonten and Ngawang Zangpo took the classes and oversaw the diciplines of the institute. In 2007, Gen [ a teacher] Yonten was invited from Serajeh University [ located in the South, India]. In 2008, Ngawang Zangpo was sent to Dongyud Gatsel Ling Nunery [DGL] for teacher. It was due to the relentless efforts of all concerned monks, rinpoches and khenpos, that in 2008, our institute gave admissions to 60 young monks and able to manege to feed them and to give the basic Buddhist education [primary education]. In 2008,Geshe [professor] Gyaltsen Phendey was also invited from the Serajeh University [ located in the south, India] to teach the monks. we are currently doing a project to build new buidings for 500 monks in the future. At present, more than 70 monks are studying in the institute from pramana standard to Abhidharma standard. More than 60 young monks are being taught the preliminary studies of scriptures and philosophy [Buddhist primary studies].

from left: Khenpo Choying Lhundup, Trulku Popa Rabjam, Khenpo Zangpo Bodh, Khenpo Jampa Yonten, Khenpo Ngawang Zangpo.

In 2009, the monk, Lhundup Paldentook the charge of mass maneger of the institute. The teachers, Jampa Yonten and Ngawang Zangpo were conferred the title of Khenpo by H.E. the 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Shedup Nyima. Both of them had studied at many different universities,i.e.,Khamgar Institute[Sheda],Serthang Lharung Nangten Lhobling[ a great university of Nyingma Lineage,], Serajeh University [ a Geluk University located in the south ,India] for many years. Also, they had been teaching this institute for many years.They accompliched the five major topics of sutra incuding supplimentary studies [ Tibetan grammer, poetry,etc.] and tantra studies as well. At the same time, the monks, Tsultrim Namgyal, Tenzin Topgyal, Ngawang Losel were appointed as secondary teachers [Kyorpon]. Also, 18 monks were conferred with Prajaparamita Degree. Under the spiritual guidance of H.E. the 9the Khamtrul Rinpoche, Shedup Nyima, Khenpo Zangpo Bodh has been raising funds for the institue, the monk, Lhundup Palden has taken the charge of mass maneger (nyerpa), and Khenpo Choying Lhundup and Khenpo Jampa Yonten have been teaching and overseeing the overall diciplines of Khamgar Druk College Dharmakara.

The monks getting Prajaparamita’s Degree, 2009

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